„With Putin losing, the risk of nuclear war grows.“ How could it happen?
Matěj Skalický talks with Mariana Budjeryn, a research associate at Harvard Kennedy School
Hiroshima, Nagasaki... and now Kyiv? Lviv? Or Odesa? Could Russia really break the nuclear taboo? And what type of weapons does Putin have? I talk with Mariana Budjeryn, a research associate at Harvard Kennedy School in Boston.
Edited by: Kristýna Vašíčková
Sound design: Damiana Smetanová
Researched by: Ondřej Franta, Zuzana Marková
Music: Martin Hůla
Zpravodajský podcast Vinohradská 12 poslouchejte každý všední den od 6.00 na adrese irozhlas.cz/vinohradska12.
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In the podcast we have used short audio clips from the YouTube channels of NATO News, Washington Post, Bloomberg, and CNN.
Související témata: podcast, Vinohradská 12, Ruský vpád na Ukrajinu, jaderné zbraně, Vladimir Putin, Vinohradská 12 in english