People Smugglers. How much do they earn and how to prevent deaths of refugees in the Mediterranean
Matěj Skalický talks with Italian journalist Giampaolo Musumeci
People smugglers. Who are they, how much do they ask for a trip to Europe? And how to prevent the endless tragedies in the Mediterranean Sea? Recently, a fishing trawler capsized near the Greek Coast. Meanwhile, thousands more migrants are getting ready for travelling across the sea. I spoke to Giampaolo Musumeci, an Italian journalist and the author of book called Confessions of a people smuggler.
Edited by: Lucie Korcová
Sound design: Damiana Smetanová
Researched by: Zuzana Marková
Music: Martin Hůla, Damiana Smetanová
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Související témata: Vinohradská 12, uprchlíci, středozemní moře, Giampaol Musumeci, uprchlická krize, pašeráci, převaděči, Vinohradská 12 in english